Organic growth. Now there’s a term bandied around casually like dandelion clocks floating on the mid-summer breeze. It’s a phrase often associated with how a business or even an idea develops.
Organic growth is low hanging fruit and an easy target for derision. However, once you’ve stumbled over and around the piles of corporate jargon that litters our everyday language and scrambled out from your imagination limiting boxes into a world of infinite blue sky possibilities, as a phrase, I think you’ll find, “Organic Growth” is a bit of a belter.
Organic growth ticks all the boxes and brings everyone onto the same hymn sheet. It hints at improvement through natural processes, a germination and sprouting of wholesome progress. It’s an evolution, with baby steps giving rise to purposeful strides. No hormone pumped up, trouser splitting, over reach, for organic growth. As a phrase, it does exactly what is says on the tin.
Willfest, in its development, has always been about simple, manageable, organic growth, and this year’s imaginatively entitled Willfest21, is not veering off that path. The music festival that honours Will’s life is being planned carefully, thoughtfully, and progressively. Organic growth features heavily in our mind set.
And so, it’s about time we looked at our sustainability. If you analysed our carbon footprint over the last 5 years, you could never suggest that we’ve had our big boy clumpy boots or stompy clown size shoes on, running an environmental muck over the vegetable patch. However, we know that our hemp sandals are beginning to make a modest imprint in the grass. And so we need to do something about that.
Therefore, one of our key areas of Willfest21 planning this year, has been to focus on how we can reduce our impact on our environment. Whilst they are not innovative and certainly not definitive, we are introducing new measures this year. These include fully re-useable festival cups, additional and better sign posted recycling stations and also access to free drinking water from the tap.
And whilst Willfest is a long way from being fully sustainable, our year on year organic growth means that on the Farrow and Ball palette of environmental shades, we are now a lot less Midnight or Downpipe and edging our way closer to Breakfast Room Green. I’m petitioning Farrow and Ball to make their next shade “Organic Growth” green.
“The Earth is a fine place and an infinitely much finer place with you in it. You’re both worth fighting for”