At WTF "Every little blue token helps"
Please excuse me whilst I kick off and get the ball rolling with a few mixed sporting metaphors. But we’re in a race after all! And although, we’ve secured a Champions League position, we need to kick on, step up to the plate and go for gold.
The arena for this race, a three horse one, is being held at the Main Tesco Ilkeston and West Hallam Tesco Express. WTF have been nominated, along with two other worthwhile local charities, for the Tesco Groundwork Community Grants scheme.
If you shop at Tesco you may be familiar with the blue tokens. You slip the token into one of the slots of the three local charities in the voting cabinet.
Each charity is going head to head in a “token off”, which makes the grant awarding format simple, the charity with the most tokens hits the monetary bullseye. The amount granted by Tesco is then awarded on a sliding scale. The gold medal position, wins 100% of the project money they bid for, the silver medallist is rewarded with a slightly reduced percentage, and the second runner up gets a further reduction. The great news, however, is that we still stand to be awarded a minimum of £500 regardless of finishing position. But we want to give the other charities a run for their bid money and get the maximum amount.
At WTF, we’re using Tesco’s generous grant scheme to purchase training resources for the well -being workshops we will be running for Ilkeston Rugby and Nutbrook Cricket Club. Working in partnership with these organisations, we are providing training and support services to both their players and coaches. We want outcomes for our young people that foster resilience and a culture of “we’re in this together”. We aim to embed a self- seeding and self-sufficient network of emotional support for players to be able to fall back upon in the years to come.
So, WTF supporters, it’s time to come out swinging your bags for life, level those mental well-being playing fields and get into our corner Tesco shops.
Get to Tesco, get a blue token, get voting WTF.
The vote runs until end of September. The tokens are now in your court. For WTF “Every little blue token helps”