WTF Website

Initiative purpose: 

The WTF website is there to provide information about WTF, and the role our charity seeks to undertake. It also seeks to raise awareness of mental health issues, and provide direct access and signposts to valuable and useful information for young people themselves who are experiencing mental health issues and similarly providing access to information and resources for those people who care for young people who are suffering.

Supported goals: 

Improve access to information and resources to support mental fitness

Be a visible, proactive, and positive presence in our communities

What are we doing:

Our website is up and running!

We are targeting three audiences with our website:

1. Those wanting to find out about the Will Garvey Trust Foundation (WTF)

2. Those looking for support to help themselves

3. Those looking for support to help someone else 

To read more about our target audiences and Samaritans’ involvement, open the twistie below. 

1. Those wanting to find out about WTF: perhaps simply inquisitive about who we are, why we are here and what we do or perhaps people who want to get involved with us in some way – donating, raising funds, using AmazonSmile or Easyfundraising, volunteering or partnering with us in some form. 

2. Those looking for support to help themselves: for whom we seek to present useful information about looking after themselves generally, as well as information in various formats – reading, listening, watching, apps, websites –  that may help them in their current state and most importantly, contact points to ‘talk’ with others who are well positioned to provide specific help to them.

3. Those looking for support to help someone else: not only information about how to engage with those they are concerned about but also important guidance on looking after themselves too.

Groups 2 and 3 above, are supported in our current phase with signposting to useful information/resources covering a range of suicide prevention, mental health and mental fitness topics. And we are determined to offer even more targeted signposting regarding different ‘feelings’ being experienced, in a later phase of our work on the website.

We are also very pleased to inform you that Samaritans have worked with us and reviewed our website’s ‘support’ pages. Their gracious support for what we have done and their insightful improvement recommendations (which we have now completed) make us feel energised and motivated to ensure that our ‘support’ pages will always offer premium content to those in need of appropriate advice and guidance (and in the right format) to address the challenges they face. 

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Important information

Just need to let you know that all materials referenced below are to help you to help someone and that Will Garvey Trust Foundation cannot be responsible for their content or use. Here we provide links (signposts) for you, for example to other websites, videos and podcasts provided by other organisations and groups. Please use the information and resources responsibly and review any policies or disclaimers applicable at the referenced sites.