Supporting yourself (18 or over)
Additional Viewing
Here are some additional viewing options that you may wish to review. Some are general, some are specific. Please refer to the information provided.
Click the item below to go straight to that section.
Specific scenarios (Anxiety etc)
Thinking about suicide
Coping with suicidal feelings (2)
Busting myths about suicide
Faces of attempted suicide
How to deal with suicidal thoughts
How to get through the crisis moment (the next minute)
How and why to make a suicide safety plan
Click here to link to the online (electronic) or downloadable Safety Plan referenced in the video above.
Depression, Suicide and the Power of Hope
Why we need to talk about suicide
Visiting your General Practitioner: A guide for young people with lived experience of self-harm and suicidality
CALM – our helpline is a lifeline
If this is how you are feeling then it could be time to talk to someone. Check out the contact information at these sites below.
Also use the helplines shown here in our ‘helplines page’.
Self care
Asking for help in a mental health crisis: Oliver’s mental health story
Self care and your wellbeing during difficult times
Random acts of kindness improve your wellbeing
The Pig of Happiness
Before you overthink, watch this !
Mental Health Help – 7 Top Tips
3 tips to help students look after their mental health
How stress affects your body and mind
How exercise affects your body and mind
Stress – 8 relaxation tips
Managing stress
Managing stress at important moments
A simple relaxation or grounding strategy
Self-soothe boxes – what, why how ?
Practices for an integrated impactful life
Below are some videos on specific topics such as self harm and anxiety (see the titles) but first here’s a link to ‘Local mental health advice and help for young people under 25 in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire‘ where you can select a topic to see videos and other materials to help you.
Advice on multiple scenarios
Talking about self harm
Coping with self harm
How can I help myself cope when struggling with self harm?
Emotional Theory comes alive
Understanding anxiety and depression
Anxiety explained
Feeling anxious? Ideas to cope with anxiety
The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety
People with anxiety and depression share advice for anyone who’s struggling
Understanding adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
Handling Fear – Riding the Wave
Reclaiming myself after addiction
CALM – unseen signals – young women
The MIX – who we are
What is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) ?
When a sibling dies – hurdles we need to jump
The grieving process: coping with death
Beating exam stress
We would always urge you to talk to someone – it’s Why Talking Fixes. Talking with someone who is there to support you can guide you most effectively to positive solutions and positive outcomes.