We don’t know any details about you so we can’t be specific with you, but you will find here some general guidance and suggestions to review. Please first take note of the following important information about the guidance provided here, by pressing the adjacent button.
Please press the button for important information about the guidance provided here.
We also want you to be safe online, so here is a link to the SAMARITANS resources that specifically covers “Guidance on staying safe online, co-designed by young people with lived experience of self-harm and suicidal feelings and experience of supporting others at risk”.
We also want you to be safe online, so here is a link to the excellent SAMARITANS advice.
If you need help urgently then contact one of the following teams :
Or book an urgent appointment with your doctor.
If your life is at risk then call 999.
You are here because you don’t feel so good right now.
Well, the good news is that you are already doing something positive to address it by being here and there are many things you can do to help yourself.
Firstly take a look in the box directly below or click this link for good advice on positive things you can do right now, for yourself.
Also further below you will find links to more detailed information/resources and teams that can really help you. We have categorised these as teams that you can talk to (either by phone, text chat or online counselling); things you can read; things you can listen to; things you can watch; things you can do and mobile apps that can help you. We also include all the websites we reference throughout our website.
Of course, we would always urge you to talk to someone, it’s ‘Why Talking Fixes’. Talking with someone who is there to support you can guide you most effectively to positive solutions and positive outcomes.
There’s a lot you can do for yourself. Being here is a great first step. Continue that journey now.
Click here to go to the help sections below, or simply scroll down or click the Open Quick Links button any time on the right and select the appropriate icon. Or if you just scroll down, you’ll also see the Positive things to try, that you can simply try as part of looking after yourself.
Click here to go to the help sections below, or simply scroll down or click the Open Quick Links button on the right, any time and select the appropriate icon. Or if you just scroll down, you’ll also see the Positive things to try, that you can simply try as part of looking after yourself.
Click the Open Quick Links button on the left, any time and select the appropriate icon to go to each help section. Or if you just scroll down, you’ll also see the Positive things to try, that you can simply try as part of looking after yourself.
For a more comprehensive list of positive things to try for your self care (from the Anna Freud organisation), click here.
Everyone has a preferred way to receive good advice and information. Below you will find options for reading, listening, watching and talking. Take a look at what works best for you.
Of course, we would always urge you to talk to someone – it’s Why Talking Fixes. Talking with someone who is there to support you can guide you most effectively to positive solutions and positive outcomes.
We don’t know exactly how you feel but some of these may help you.
Have a read of these
More reading:
Click the bookmark below to see more reading options that may be of value covering: ‘Thinking about suicide‘, ‘Self care‘, ‘Asking for help‘, ‘Exam stress‘, ‘Stress relief‘ as well as General advice and specific scenarios such as ‘Depression’.
It also includes some recommended books to read.
We don’t know exactly how you feel but some of these may help you.
Have a listen to these
Click the image above to go to the website with the podcast(s).
Self Help Guides produced by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust www.cntw.nhs.uk/selfhelp Titles cover a range of mental health issues.
Click the image or link above to go through to the website, then click the leaflet required and play “audio”.
More listening:
Click the headphones below to see more options that may be of value covering: ‘Thinking about suicide‘, ‘Self care‘, and specific scenarios such as ‘Depression and anxiety’.
It also includes useful Podcast sites.
We don’t know exactly how you feel but some of these may help you.
Take a look at these
Reframe unhelpful thoughts
Coping with suicidal feelings (1)
What is CALM (Campaign against living miserably) ?
More watching:
Click the video icon below to see more videos that may be of value covering: ‘Thinking about suicide‘, ‘Self care‘, ‘Exam stress‘, as well as General advice and specific scenarios such as ‘Anxiety’.
We don’t know exactly how you feel but some of these may help you.
Join in one of these
There are many societies and groups that you can join or things that you can do to get active and get out. For us here in Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire look at the following to inspire you (for other locations you will need to do some research on the internet for options in your local area).
Click the images below to see documents with groups, organisations and clubs listed with their purpose and contact details.
If you know of any other groups, clubs, organisations or activities that you would recommend then do let us know (use our Contact us form) so that we can review them and add them to the list.
Erewash and South Derbyshire Peer Support Groups
(Click location below)
Things to do in Derby and Derbyshire
Things to do in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Apps for mobile phones/tablets that can help you
Stay Alive
Better Stop Suicide
Better Stop Suicide
This App helps you press your own STOP button should suicidal thoughts come to you. Remember ‘suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem’. And your calm thinking brain already knows that, doesn’t it. This app helps you to use your thinking brain.
Apart Of Me
Apart Of Me
When someone you love dies, it can feel like everything has turned upside down. But you’re not alone. Apart of Me is a beautiful world, built to guide you through your darkest moments, where…
Here are websites that we reference throughout our site (and more).
If relevant to you please go and visit their websites.
The organisations’ websites that we reference throughout our site are shown in the desktop versions of our website. To see the images/logos and to be able to click through to an organisation’s website please view this page on our WTF website on your windows/Mac desktop.
We would like to acknowledge our appreciation to these organisations for their fantastic work and permission to reference them.
On your mobile, please see the CAMHS website referenced below.
Websites we referenced
Below are the websites we have referenced and signposted throughout our own website. We would like to acknowledge our appreciation to these organisations for their fantastic work and permission (where requested) to reference them.
Click any of the images/logos below to go through to their websites.
On tablet please use landscape view to see the images/logos of the organisations.
Press the ‘ Hide page ‘ button to go quickly to ‘google.co.uk‘.
For great advice (from Childline) on covering
your tracks, click ‘ Cover tracks ‘ button
Just need to let you know that all materials referenced below are to help you to help yourself or to help you to help someone else and that Will Garvey Trust Foundation cannot be responsible for their content or use. Here we provide links (signposts) for you, for example to other websites, videos and podcasts provided by other organisations and groups. Please use the information and resources responsibly and review any policies or disclaimers applicable at the referenced sites.
Just need to let you know that all materials referenced below are to help you to help someone and that Will Garvey Trust Foundation cannot be responsible for their content or use. Here we provide links (signposts) for you, for example to other websites, videos and podcasts provided by other organisations and groups. Please use the information and resources responsibly and review any policies or disclaimers applicable at the referenced sites.