Another £700 raised for WTF. The Old Black Horse Knit and Natter group are amazing!
Last night the Old Black Horse Knit & Natter, Mapperley presented the Will Garvey Trust Foundation with £700 that they raised on their stall at Mapperley Christmas Fair and light Switch On
They raised this money by knitting decorations and other festive items throughout the year, and then selling them on their stall and on our bar.
I think this takes the total that the knit and natter club has raised for the trust in the last 2 years to £2000!!! Alongside raising money for the trust, they’ve also raised money for Children in Need, The Royal British Legion and others!!!
I know the trust are very grateful, but we just wanted to say how incredibly proud we are of our nattering ladies and all of the good work they do!!!
What started out a few years ago as a little group of ladies that just wanted to meet up, socialise and knit, has turned into an amazing force for good. And long may that continue.
If you’re interested in joining the ladies next year, everybody is welcome, just get in touch or turn up. They have broken up for Christmas now, but weekly Tuesday afternoon meetings will recommence in the new year from the 9th Jan at 1:30pm.