We were invited down to the City Ground today to meet Jack Robinson, who himself has struggled with depression, as part of the launch of Nottingham Forest’s ‘It’s Tricky To Talk’ Campaign.
The campaign is aimed at supporters and is based around three short videos that show different scenarios supporters might find themselves in on a match day. We love the videos and think they’re effective and are really happy to endorse them at WTF.
We had a great time – we got to talk about Will for hours with people who wanted to know all about him. For a grieving parent that’s so valuable!
Part of the campaign involves setting up a ‘Tricky Hub’ where supporters can come together for peer support at the City Gro’und, once a fortnight. All the details are available by following this link – https://nottinghamforestcommunitytrust.co.uk/programme/tricky-to-talk/