Raising funds for the Will Garvey Trust Foundation is a very simple process and we welcome gladly everyone’s efforts to do just that for us. Thank you!
The information below will support your endeavours. And also please do contact us to discuss your plans.
To support you we have designed a Fundraising Toolkit, full of ideas and tips for raising funds for the Will Garvey Trust Foundation. Click the button to go to our page where you can View or Download the toolkit.
Totalgiving is a fundraising site that enables charities like WTF to receive all of the funds that you raise. We can therefore do more with funds raised through Totalgiving. We applaud them !
Press the ‘ Hide page ‘ button to go quickly to ‘google.co.uk‘.
For great advice (from Childline) on covering
your tracks, click ‘ Cover tracks ‘ button
Just need to let you know that all materials referenced below are to help you to help someone and that Will Garvey Trust Foundation cannot be responsible for their content or use. Here we provide links (signposts) for you, for example to other websites, videos and podcasts provided by other organisations and groups. Please use the information and resources responsibly and review any policies or disclaimers applicable at the referenced sites.